Nigerian gay man threatens to release sex tape with homophobic Twitter celeb

A Nigerian gay man and Twitter user @Sesnell, has threatened to release his sex tape with a homophobic Twitter celeb.

According to the Nigerian gay man, his recent rant was triggered by a demeaning comment the homophobic Twitter celeb said about a fellow community member. Read the tweets below;

Would you rather hear me talk about how i slept with one of your homophobic twitter celebs or watch me do him?

So he’s popular on here, has lots of fans, handle starts with a K, says a lot of bullshit(sometimes about my community) and his account has been suspended twice, if u’re smart, you prolly know the person. He comes off as homphobic but he’s the gayest person in the history of gay

He said something demeaning about a fellow community member, and that triggered me. Don’t ask me how but long story short, we chatted, met, had sex while my camera was on(unknown to him). So he has an ultmatum to issue an apology to my community, hence the video gets out

With the his handle tagged. Okay, goodnight. And oh, i’m putting my life on the line here, i hope this fight for my LGBT sweehearts is worth it at the end. Goodnight again!

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